69 Million Things I Hate About You by Kira Archer
69 Million Things I Hate About You by Kira Archer
What would you do if you won 69 million dollars? Quit the job you absolutely despise or have some good ol’ fashion payback with a boss who has been bound and determine to make your life a living hell (and insists on calling you every name but your own!) Better yet, why not make it an office pool to see how much you can get away with before he fires you! This book was just too much and I still can’t get this book off my mind! Have you ever read a book where you just liked everything about it? Read the rest of my review in the Romantic Comedy Book Club Facebook Group or on romcombc.com.
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Steamy Romantic Comedies
Warning, while these romantic comedies are funny, they are so INSANELY hot!