British Bedmate by VI Keeland and Penelope Ward
British Bedmate by VI Keeland and Penelope Ward
I will be honest, I didn’t care for this one as much as I enjoyed Cocky Baster and Stuck-up Suit. Like Playboy Pilot, I felt the story was a little more far-fetched (yes… I am aware this is fiction) and the plot seemed to jump around at times. I couldn’t tell if I was reading the next day, weeks ahead, or where they were in the overall timeline.
While the dual POV helped, I couldn’t get a true lock on Bridget’s personality. I did enjoy Simon’s back story and Bridget’s friend Calliope (although I felt like her part could have been bigger overall – she was a great addition to move the story forward).
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Warning, while these romantic comedies are funny, they are so INSANELY hot!