Yours Truly (Book #2 of the Part of Your World Series) by Abby Jimenez
If someone asked me what word I would use to describe this book, the first thing that comes to mind is “Beautiful”. This book was absolutely beautiful. To say I am a fan of Abby’s writing is a gross understatement. She is one the reasons why fell in love with romantic comedies. Her books are a canvas of emotions. They make you laugh, they make you cry, and boy do they make you feel. She tackles subject matter that either exposes pieces of her inner world to her readers (I read her notes in this one about her health issues and how they relate to Bri’s brother) or helps us better understand the the struggles of those around us. It’s no surprise why Yours Truly has become a fan favorite, I don’t think I could have fallen any deeper in love with two characters if I tried. Read the rest of my review in the Romantic Comedy Book Club Facebook Group or on